astragon Entertainment GmbH

Regular / Senior Producer

Vor 14 Tagen veröffentlicht
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Regular / Senior Producer Permanent employee, Full-time · Düsseldorf

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Deine Aufgaben
  • Verantwortlich für alle Produktionsaspekte von Spielprojekten - vom ersten Pitch bis zum Gold Master.
  • Enge Zusammenarbeit mit externen Entwicklungsstudios und Definition des Projektumfangs hinsichtlich Zeit, Budget und Qualität.
  • Bereitstellung kreativer und ausführender Leitung zur Verbesserung der Produktqualität und Innovation.
  • Erstellung, Nachverfolgung und Verwaltung von Entwicklungs- und Meilensteinplänen.
  • Enge Zusammenarbeit mit allen Bereichen des Publishing-Betriebs, einschließlich QA, Lokalisierung, Altersfreigabe und First-Party-Plattform-Einreichungen, um sicherzustellen, dass die Projekte unterstützt und mit höchster Qualität auf den Markt gebracht werden.
  • Bericht über den Fortschritt des Entwicklungsprozesses, Verwaltung von Risiken und Problemen sowie Eskalation bei Bedarf.
  • Enge Zusammenarbeit mit Marketing, Vertrieb und PR zur Förderung der Stärken unserer Produkte.
Dein Profil
  • Mindestens 3-5 Jahre Berufserfahrung im Bereich Videospielproduktion.
  • Erfahrung in der Entwicklung und Veröffentlichung von Videospielen für PC und Konsolen (PS4 / PS5, Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch).
  • Gutes technisches Verständnis der Spieleentwicklungsprozesse.
  • Erfahrung mit Standard-Projektmanagement- und Fehlerverfolgungstools (z.B. Bug Tracker, JIRA, Confluence, MS Office).
  • Starke schriftliche und mündliche Kommunikationsfähigkeiten in Englisch.
  • Fähigkeit, Verantwortung zu übernehmen und Projekte trotz Hindernissen und Problemen voranzutreiben.
Warum wir?
  • Hybrides Arbeiten und flexible Arbeitszeiten
  • Ein inspirierendes Arbeitsumfeld in einem engagierten, vielfältigen Team
  • Dynamische Karrierechancen und Möglichkeit für jährliche berufliche Entwicklungsprogramme
  • Bonusansprüche, arbeitgeberfinanzierte Altersversorgung
  • Innenstadtlage mit guter Anbindung an öffentliche Verkehrsmittel sowie die Möglichkeit, kostenlos zu parken
  • Die Möglichkeit, die Zukunft eines wachsenden Unternehmens aktiv mitzugestalten

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Über uns Das Unternehmen

astragon Entertainment ist eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft der Team17 Group PLC und gehört zu den führenden deutschen Entwicklern und Games-Publishern anspruchsvoller Working Simulation Games mit einem Fokus auf gewaltfreies kooperatives Gameplay in äußerst detaillierten, technischen und realistischen Spielumgebungen. Zu den international bekannten IPs der astragon Entertainment GmbH zählen Bau-Simulator, Bus Simulator, Police Simulator: Patrol Officers und Firefighting Simulator. Der Vertrieb hochwertiger Lizenz- und Distributionsprodukte wie der Landwirtschafts-Simulator und SnowRunner runden das interessante Sortiment ab. astragon Spiele sind weltweit für verschiedenste Plattformen wie Konsolen, Smartphones, Tablets und PCs erhältlich.

Your mission
  • Responsible for all production aspects of game projects - from the first pitch to gold master
  • Work closely with external development studios and define the scope of game projects regarding time, budget and quality
  • Provide creative and executional direction to help improve product quality and innovation
  • Create, track, and manage development and milestone schedules
  • Work closely with all areas of publishing operations including QA, localization, age ratings and first party platform submissions to ensure projects are supported and delivered with the highest degree of quality to the market
  • Report back on the progress of development process, manage risks and issues, and escalate as required
  • Work closely with Marketing, Sales and PR to promote the strengths of our products
Your profile
  • At least 3-5 years professional experience in the field of video game production
  • Experience in the development and release of video games for PC and consoles (PS4 / PS5, Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch)
  • Good technical understanding of the game development processes
  • Experience with standard project management & issue tracking tools (e.g. Bug Tracker, JIRA, Confluence, MS Office)
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills in English
  • Ability to take ownership and move projects forward despite obstacles and issues
Why us?
  • Hybrid work & flexible working hours
  • An inspiring work environment in a dedicated, diverse team
  • Dynamic career opportunities & option for annual professional development programs
  • Bonus entitlements, employer-funded pension plan
  • Downtown location with good access to public transportation as well as the opportunity to park for free
  • The opportunity to actively shape the future of a growing company

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About us

The company
astragon Entertainment (founded in 1998) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Team17 Group PLC, and one of the leading German games publishers. Since 2023, German game development studio Independent Arts Software has become a part of astragon Entertainment. As a result, we are now actively involved as developers in the creation of our simulation brands. Our main focus is on developing and publishing sophisticated working simulation games that feature non-violent cooperative gameplay in highly detailed, technical and realistic game environments. Since 2019 we are based in Düsseldorf, the state capital of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany’s most populous federal state. In addition to our modern, open-plan office with numerous flexible workspaces as well as small and large meeting rooms that can be used for group work and discussions, or concentrated, creative solo work, our employees enjoy a flexible home office solution. This option serves as an employee and family-friendly alternative for our team members. We regularly welcome students for internships in various departments, and have also been offering vocational training for clerk for audiovisual media since 2020. astragon Entertainment is a member of “game - The German Games Industry Association e.V.” and “ e.V.”.

The people
The astragon Entertainment team consists of about 60 creative minds, who especially value the company’s informal atmosphere, its flat hierarchies and the freedom to achieve one's own goals. Advanced training opportunities ensure necessary professionalization and open up new career perspectives within the company. For us team spirit is not only important when working on our games - regular events such as trade fairs, summer festivals, Christmas parties, workshops and charity events such as the RhineCleanUp are a lot of fun and strengthen our sense of belonging. Speaking of social commitment: Not only do we make a donation to a project dear to our hearts every year in the run-up to Christmas, we also supported the charity online format "Line 42 - The Call-In-Show" of the non-profit association Helden e.V., which campaigned against racism, (cyber)mobbing and for more civil courage in society in 2021. Furthermore, as part of the “Girls´ Day” and Boys´ Day” initiatives, we offer the opportunity for students to gain insights into the world of a game publisher. In addition, we are signatories to the joint declaration of the German games industry for more diversity under the slogan "Hier spielt Vielfalt #TeamDiversity".

The brands
astragon Entertainment’s internationally well-known IPs include Construction Simulator, Bus Simulator, Police Simulator: Patrol Officers and Firefighting Simulator. We attach particular importance to cooperative, non-violent gameplay, detailed and above all realistic game environments as well as long-standing brand cooperations with industry partners from all over the world, which allow us to realistically transfer real-life vehicles and machines into virtual worlds. We are addressing a broad target group of players of all genders and ages and offer them family-friendly entertainment around the fascination of technology. The distribution of high-quality licensed and distribution products such as Farming Simulator and SnowRunner and third-party titles such as Railroads Online and Abriss - build to destroy complete our interesting product range. Our games are available worldwide on various platforms such as consoles, smartphones, tablets and PCs.

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