Universitätsklinikum Essen

Research Associate (PhD student) (m/f/d) / 11607 / Department of Neurology - Division of Clinical Ne

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Unser Stellenangebot

Research Associate (PhD student) (m/f/d)
(Entgeltgruppe: EG 13 TV-L)
Einsatzbereich: Department of Neurology - Division of Clinical Neurooncology
Stellen ID: 11607
Eintritt: Next possible date
Umfang: Teilzeit / 28,875h
Vertragsart: Befristet
Befristung: 36 months; according to § 2 (1) WissZeitVG gemäß § 2 Abs. 1 WissZeitVG

Ihre Aufgaben

Advanced data analysis and visualization of multimodal datasets (MRI, PET, whole slide imaging, EEG, clinical, functional)
Use supervised and unsupervised algorithms to identify new glioma subtypes and characterize them molecularly with cutting-edge omics technologies
Develop and optimize high-throughput analysis pipelines
Publish research results in high-impact scientific journals and participate in international conferences
Collaborate closely with clinical and technical partners and support third-party funding acquisition

Ihr Profil

Master Degree in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Computer Science, Physics, Medical Informatics, or a related field
Strong knowledge in statistical and machine learning
Experience in bioinformatics, including next-generation sequencing pipelines, data processing, analysis, and visualization
Proficiency with programming languages such as R (including Bioconductor packages), Python, or C++
Experience with version control systems (e.g., Git) and containers (e.g., Docker)
Knowledge in handling large datasets and cloud computing
Experience with Unix/Linux operating systems
Excellent communication and organizational skills
Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, and interdisciplinary collaboration capability
Good communication skills in English; German knowledge is an advantage
High level of independence, motivation, and commitment to innovative research in neuro-oncology

Freuen Sie sich auf:

A challenging and varied role at the interface of science and clinical practice
Opportunity to develop your own studies and directly apply scientific findings in practice
Access to a network of experts and colleagues on national and international levels
Continuous personal and professional development through regular training and participation in specialized conferences.
A secure job in the public service of the state of NRW
Fair payment in accordance with the collective wage agreement (TV-L) incl. annual bonus payment and supplementary company pension scheme
30 days of vacation per calendar year (for a full-time position)
Interdisciplinary work with colleagues from other departments
Working with modern equipment and certified quality standards
Family-friendly corporate culture, e.g. company daycare center, vacation program for school-age children, advice and support from the Employee Service Office in all life situations
Wide range of training and continuing education opportunities, e.g. at the Training Academy of UK Essen
Health Management, e.g. company integration management, vaccinations, promotion of sports activities
Attractive fringe benefits, e.g. reduced-price canteen meals, community events, accommodation in student residences

Rahmenbedingungen: Die Eingruppierung richtet sich nach den persönlichen und tariflichen Voraussetzungen., Schwerbehinderte Bewerberinnen / Bewerber und Gleichgestellte i.S. des § 2 Abs. 3 SGB IX werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt., Das UK Essen strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils in Bereichen an, in denen Frauen unterrepräsentiert sind. Sie werden zur Bewerbung aufgefordert und im Sinne des LGGs bei gleicher Qualifikation vorrangig berücksichtigt., Eine Bescheinigung gemäß §23a Infektionsschutzgesetz (IfSG) über den Impf- und Serostatus bzgl. Masern ist erforderlich.

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